Thursday, August 16, 2012

Happy Days are Here to Stay!!

It has been a long time since mommy has updated everyone so here we go! I have had an amazing summer and have been healthy and extremely happy!! I suffered a small pneumonia in March, but I am so strong and tough I was in and out of the hospital in 4 days! The Make-A-Wish Foundation chose me as their wish kid in June and I was given a Hot Tub! (hence, the pic above) It was the best day of my life! All my friends and family came over to celebrate with a BBQ and the fire department came and filled it up from the water hose on their truck! How lucky am I? My neurologist is pressuring mommy into enrolling me into school! I am doing so good, no one ever thought we would have to find a school for me! Isn't that exciting! Mommy and Daddy are so nervous, but I am excited to meet more friends and explore the world!  My 4th birthday is coming up in September, can you believe it? I am ready for the hot weather to be over and for fall to start, so I can keep rocking and rolling and get stronger and stronger! Mommy is trying to post a video of me in my walker (yes, I have a walker that I can move on my very own) and another video of me kissing her over and over on her cheek! Hopefully she can figure it out! Thank you for reading my blog, and I can't wait to show you all how much more I have up my sleeve in the future! XOXOXO Kingers

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Today mommy gave me my IPAD to play with and I got to play with the APP called Magic Piano! I LOVED it!! I am really into music and I get so proud of myself when I can make the music notes play with my very own fingers!!! Here is a video! xoxo

Saturday, February 11, 2012

2012 has been good so far!

Hi everyone!  It has been awhile since we have updated the blog so mommy thought it was time! We have had a good start to the year and I have been healthy as can be! I got a little sick over the holidays but I managed to tough it out on my own and I didn't have to go to the hospital for treatment!! That is HUGE for me!  I also got chosen to be a part of The Make-A-Wish family, and I wished for a trip to the ocean! So in April we are going to Florida for a whole week to stay in a beach house and play in the ocean! Mommy and Daddy are so excited to get me in the ocean and to spend quality time together away from our day to day lives!  I am getting so big, I am getting a custom made wheelchair made for me this month too! I LOVE to laugh all of the time and play with Rex. (Our Dog)  I am getting so strong, and I love to read books and play, which is way more then the doctors ever imagined for me! I hope all of you who read my blog are doing well and I want to Thank you for following me! xoxo

Kingsley James Larsen

Laugh Factory!

Costume from Auntie Skye!

Costume from Auntie Skye!

Pool time!

Pool time!

Mommy and Me!!

Mommy and Me!!

Rockin' Out

Rockin' Out

Tata at Mall

Tata at Mall

Cutie Pie

Cutie Pie

Auntie Skye and Jaxon

Auntie Skye and Jaxon

4 Generations!

4 Generations!



Sleepy Time

Sleepy Time
Tired from my Day of Tests

Kingsley's poem

New little babies gifts from above
sent to you with so much love!
Swaddle them close Wrap 'em up tight
they feel secure never out of your sight!
Strong and brave that's how they grow
knowing your love will always show!
The parallel here is for you and me
to stop and realize what we see!
All of us are babies sent from above
we are wrapped in the blanket
we know as God's Love!

Hello World!

Hello World!

Baby Boy

Baby Boy
Happy Boy

More of Me!

More of Me!
Chillin' out