Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 27th, 2009

Mommy is slacking on keeping up with my blog! I am doing so good, nobody can believe how quickly I am growing! I am now officially 11 lbs 2 ozs!! I had a swallow study done not to long ago and it made it clear that I aspirate liquids, but not really thick solids. So mommy and daddy thicken my solids with rice cereal and I gobble it up. I still have to use my G-tube for the majority of my feedings but hopefully as I grow and gain strength I won't aspirate and we can work on continuous oral feeds!! Mommy is going on her first trip away from me next weekend(her and Tata are going on a spa vacation) and daddy gets to go fishing in northern Canada the week after that!! I have a MRI scheduled for Friday and my tests are being sent to a pediatric neurologist that specializes in Cerebellum Hypoplasia in Chicago. So as soon as we get any answers, we will keep everyone informed!! I am so alert and I make so much noise now! Thank you for following my progress!! xoxo

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I'm 10 Pounds!!

I officially hit the 10 LB mark!!
Woo HOO! Mommy took me to Children's hospital again for some blood work and a chest x-ray and everything came back normal!! Yay, that means I don't have pneumonia anymore and my white blood cell count came back down to normal levels! We don't have a very busy May compared to the months past when it comes to doctors visits! I have to have an MRI on May 29th (they sedate me) and a swallow study on May 18th because as you can see I love to eat solids now!! My favorites are Sweet peas and especially peaches!!! The swallow study is being done just to make sure I am not aspirating, which Mommy and Daddy are pretty sure I am not! I also have started to make so many noises, I love to coo all night long when mommy and daddy try to sleep! Thanks for following my blog, xoxo

Kingsley James Larsen

Laugh Factory!

Costume from Auntie Skye!

Costume from Auntie Skye!

Pool time!

Pool time!

Mommy and Me!!

Mommy and Me!!

Rockin' Out

Rockin' Out

Tata at Mall

Tata at Mall

Cutie Pie

Cutie Pie

Auntie Skye and Jaxon

Auntie Skye and Jaxon

4 Generations!

4 Generations!



Sleepy Time

Sleepy Time
Tired from my Day of Tests

Kingsley's poem

New little babies gifts from above
sent to you with so much love!
Swaddle them close Wrap 'em up tight
they feel secure never out of your sight!
Strong and brave that's how they grow
knowing your love will always show!
The parallel here is for you and me
to stop and realize what we see!
All of us are babies sent from above
we are wrapped in the blanket
we know as God's Love!

Hello World!

Hello World!

Baby Boy

Baby Boy
Happy Boy

More of Me!

More of Me!
Chillin' out